Sunday, August 22, 2010

Earthquake preparedness

Have you ever thought what you would do in case there is an emergency? Are you prepared for it in case an earthquake happens or there is a flood in your neighborhood, perhaps not even a natural disaster but a personal one? I know, none of us prefer to think about it because it can be Karma right?, we may attract it to happen. The truth is we all need to think about it because once you have thought about it and created a plan even if is a mental plan it is easier to get into action. Here is your chance!

The USGS has set up a practice simulation scheduled for October 21, 2010. It is called the Great California Shake Out! They are inviting people to be part of the largest earthquake drill in California and they need your participation. 

This site will allow you to regeister and get prepared. It also lists the participating businesses, schools and hospitals that you may be familiar with in your area and participate through them.

This is a great way to do a practice run in case of emergency and preapare for what can be inevitable according to the USGS and many of our local news channels, not to mention the small shakes we have occasionally some of which we feel and note others we don't even realize.

see attached link for participation: